apartments for rent

Thursday, June 9, 2011

California Apartments: When Renting, Consider the Traffic!

California apartments can have it all: luxury, scenic beauty, and if you’re lucky, great deals. But one vital factor is extremely difficult to judge from classified ads or a walk through with a leasing agent: how traffic flows around your potential new home.  California is a state that is seriously dependent on cars, and if anyone who has lived there for a while knows that spending time in gridlock is a necessary evil and it is important to know several alternate routes to work and/or school. 

When renting California apartments, consider the traffic patterns in advance. How do they change your commute?  Are alternate routes open to you? And what are the noise levels like? While it might be convenient to live a block from the 405, if your kids need to nap, you may want to live further from the freeway.  But be careful—while going further out will probably decrease your rent, it will also increase your transportation expenses. Remember, when searching for California apartments, consider more than just amenities and price.  It might be kid-friendly and pet-friendly—but is it car friendly?  Ask this question and your new California apartment is sure to treat you well.